The Space Between: Curated by Michael Bracewell
The Space Between surveys notions of the ‘modern’ and the postmodern, while positioning the British poet WH Auden as a seer and spiritual thinker.
Karsten Schubert is pleased to present The Space Between, an exhibition curated by Michael Bracewell on the occasion of the publication of Bracewell’s collected writings on art.
Throughout The Space Between: Selected Writings on Art, Michael Bracewell approaches visual art through its cultural context, the lens of the recent past and prolonged looking. He focuses on detailed descriptions of artworks, expanding their interpretation to include cultural history, politics, music, poetry and other areas of cultural production.
Bracewell’s interest in the relation of modern and contemporary visual art to the development of popular culture, pop music and literature is pursued in the accompanying exhibition. As both a collection of texts and an exhibition, The Space Between surveys notions of the ‘modern’ and the postmodern, while positioning the British poet WH Auden as a seer and spiritual thinker. The works in the exhibition pursue these enquiries, in specific relation to the processes in art of looking, innovation, quotation and meditation.
Artist list: Glenn Brown, Patrick Caulfield, Dexter Dalwood, Richard Hamilton, Linder, Bridget Riley, Lucy McKenzie, John Stezaker