Not Self-Portrait

5 - 28 May 1994

Karsten Schubert is pleased to present a group exhibition entitled No Self-Portrait, featuring works by artists who use images of themselves in the work – but not as self-portraits in the strictest sense.


In this exhibition, the traditional concerns of self-portraiture are blurred. Although an image of the artist may be central to these works, its inclusion will not necessarily have the same meaning as a classical self-portrait; rather, it often allows the artist to act out various roles or become a generic person. Side-stepping conventional expectations of self-portaiture enables the artist to address all kinds of concerns – from gender and race to social status and sexual identy – and to questions stereotypes and clichés. 


Artist list: Larry Clark, Mat Collishaw, Angus Fairhurst, Gilbert & George, Damien Hirst, Gary Hume, Michael Landy, Sarah Lucas, Paul Noble, Marc Quinn, Cindy Sherman, Mark Wallinger, Gillian Wearing.
