Onya McCausland: Group Exhibition 'Deep Horizons' at MIMA

10 March–18 June 2023

MIMA announces the group exhibition, Deep Horizons featuring work by Onya McCausland alongside artists including Theaster Gates, Paula Rego and John Stezaker. 


Extract from MIMA:

Deep Horizons starts with the topic of excavation and presents sculpture, drawing, painting, installation, ceramics, photography and moving image from the last 90 years. Developed through a series of conversations, the exhibition explores layers of themes, including history and time, geology and land, memory and dreams and the politics of how we record and understand the past.


For more information visit the MIMA website.


Deep Horizons

10 March–18 June 2023

MIMA, Middlesbrough Institute of Modern Art

Centre Square, Middlesbrough, TS1 2AZ


Opening Hours:

Monday Closed
Tuesday–Saturday, 10am–16:30pm
Sunday, 12pm–16pm






March 3, 2023