Ann-Marie James's new body of work, Geometria, opens this week at the renowned Kettle's Yard, Cambridge. Made in response to Barbara Hepworth's sculpture Group of Three Magical Stones (1973), the multidisciplinary exhibition is installed in House at Kettle's Yard, in Helen Ede's bedroom. Geometria includes paintings, prints and, a new departure for James, a patchwork quilt, to be placed on Ede's bed.
Ann-Marie James: Geometria
9 July - 22 September 2019
Kettle's Yard House
Castle Street
Cambridge CB3 0AQ (map)
James will give an artist's talk on the exhibition on 7 September at 3pm. Reserve your complimentary space here.
Ann-Marie James: Geometria
Kettle's Yard, Cambridge
July 8, 2019