Robert Holyhead

Robert Holyhead in conversation with Anthony Spira

Publisher: Ridinghouse 2010.

ISBN: 978 1 905464 35 7

Dimensions: 26 × 21 cm | 10 1/4 x 8 1/4 in

Pages: 48 pp, 16 colour ill
£14.95 | $25

Robert Holyhead’s precise application and removal of paint, his colourful abstract form and his complex composition are the focus of this volume.


Full-page illustrations of each of the eight paintings (2009–10) are accompanied by detailed photographs of the edge of the paintings and places where the paint has been wiped away.


These details highlight Holyhead's complex approach, which the artist characterises as 'looking for a type of familiarity, to create a presence that allows itself to be exposed on the surface.'

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