His intervention into these images through collage, excision, reconfiguration, inversion or occlusion can be seen to interrupt their everyday circulation in a profound way: image and perception alike are questioned, rearranged and opened to new possibilities. Through their transformation Stezaker’s images acquire poetic resonance, and, in many cases, a disquieting allure.
With over 120 illustrations, this monograph presents the first overview of John Stezaker’s work on paper from the 1970s onwards, featuring his found images, collages, image fragments and a selection from 'The 3rd Person Archive' series.
Essays by Dawn Ades and Michael Bracewell, as well as a conversation between the artist and curators Daniel F. Herrmann and Christophe Gallois, place Stezaker’s work in a historical context and analyse his methodology.
- Order (UK/Europe) – second hand